Thursday, June 19, 2008

Through the Eyes of An Immigrant

After our visit to the Heritage Discovery Center, the children were asked to write a letter home from the viewpoint of an immigrant. Here are some their letters:

May 4th, 1902

Dear Mom,
How is everyone home in Italy doing? Guess what? I married the guy my Aunt told my about. He is so nice! I met him at the train station. People here can be rude. I saw the mine and store. I can’t find a job yet. They think women in mines are bad luck. Isn’t that silly?
With love,
Maria, your daughter

P.S. When I have enough money and a job, I’ll send you a ticket.

by: Alexis

May 4, 1902

Dear Dad:

Hello! I want to tell you about my life in America. It is hard because I’m treated different because they don’t like Polocks. It is so weird because nobody is the same. I work in the coal mine. In America I hope to live to be 100 years old. I joined a church. It smelled terrible in Johnstown because of the mills and mines.

By: Hunter

May 4, 1902

Dear Mom:
Hello! I want to tell you about America. It is different from Australia. The people talk funny. It is hard to talk to other people because I don’t understand them. I hope to become the president of United States of America . I worked at a coal company. I didn’t join a church or club I do plan to stay so I can become an American.


By: Darious

May 4, 1902

Dear Dad:

Hello! I want to tell you about my new life in America. The people treat me nice. It smells nasty here in Johnstown. I joined a church club. In America, I hope to accomplish taking care of my family.


By: Andre

May 4, 1902
Dear Dad:
Life in America is pretty good, but when we traveled by ship it was pretty rough. Now that that's over it's fine. Well, there is something bad. No one speaks Polish. So I hope to learn English. Johnstown smells different from my old country because of those steel mills. I live in Boswell. I didn't join a church yet, but I hope to soon.
by: Ian

May 4, 1902

Dear Mom

Hello! I want to tell you about my new life in America…
Right knows I am on my way to America. I am getting seasick. I can’t wait to see you. I think I heard that I should be home in 2 days. Hope to see you soon. On the ship
people are treating me really badly.
It is really smelly under the deck. The ship also is brown and black.


By: Sadie

Keep an eye here for a few other letters that are being polished by their authors.
Please leave us a comment!

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